Workshop in Lutsk “Innovation and industry for security: Visegrad Group experience”

On October 6-9, the workshop “Innovation and industry for security: Visegrad Group experience” was held in Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University. The first speaker was Valentina Pidlisniuk, a representative of the Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem (Czech Republic), the head of the German-Czech CORNET project. The expert shared details on the development of energy chain technology for the production of building materials and paper, which is carried out in cooperation with companies in the Czech Republic and Germany. Valentyna Pidlisniuk also stressed the importance of cooperation between innovative science and business.

During the second day Professor of the University of Security Management in Košice (Slovakia) Imrich Dufinec and Vice-Rector for Research Jozefina Drotarova shared their experience in the sphere of city security. The experts stressed the importance of cooperation between the city and the university in the field of security for creating the safe space for teaching and studying. They also presented their experience in realization the projects on crime prevention, analysis of the perception of a safe environment in the city of Košice, organization of scientific events with the participation of the authorities, city police and university representatives.

Also on October 7, a round table was held, which allowed to unite working groups from the cities of Ostroh, Rivne and Lutsk. During the round table, the work at this stage of the project was summarized, the most important issues on which the working groups work are formulated, and the prospects for further implementation of the project were outlined.

The third day of the workshop was dedicated to working groups of Ukrainian partners and discussions.