Book about strategic cooperation between university and city
This book is the result of the project “Town&Gown 2.0: the strategic cooperation between university and city in V4 countries and Ukraine” (funded by the...
the strategic cooperation between university and city in V4 and Ukraine. Project ID # 22110065
This book is the result of the project “Town&Gown 2.0: the strategic cooperation between university and city in V4 countries and Ukraine” (funded by the...
Колективна монографія «Університет і місто: стратегії та практики взаємодії» (за ред. Дмитра Шевчука, Лариси Засєкіної та Олега Лагоднюка. – Острог: Вид. НаУОА, 2022, 340 стор.)...