Hackathon and conference in the bomb shelter
Unfortunately, the war started by Russia against Ukraine affected our events. During the hackathon and conference, we held part of the sessions in the university’s...
the strategic cooperation between university and city in V4 and Ukraine. Project ID # 22110065
Unfortunately, the war started by Russia against Ukraine affected our events. During the hackathon and conference, we held part of the sessions in the university’s...
Main problems for discussion: the formation of innovative ecosystems of the city, the development of creative clusters of the city, the creation of science and...
Submision deadline: September 30, 2022 This book is a part of a project supported by the International Visegrad Fund. It will focus on broad issues...
October 19-21, 2022 in Ostroh, Ukraine This conference is part of a project supported by the International Visegrad Fund. It will focus on broad issues...
As part of the program of “Days of Science 2022”, on May 20, the Ostroh Academy hosted a panel discussion “University in times of crisis”...
The workshop in Rivne will be dedicated to the development of the city’s creative cluster and cultural industries. The experience of Zlin will be presented...
On October 6-9, the workshop “Innovation and industry for security: Visegrad Group experience” was held in Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University. The first speaker was...
The workshop aims to improve the interaction between the university and the city authorities by joining forces and adopting European best practices. Involving experts from...
On the first day, workshops were held by Mariusz Sagan, Director of the Strategy and Entrepreneurship Department of the City of Lublin, and Victoria Herun,...